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Good News!

Writer's picture: azariahworshipperazariahworshipper

We could all use some Good News these days right? Life has so many challenges, and times are getting tougher by the minute. But let's go back in history for some context...

When the Messiah (Yeshua, is how His name is pronounced in Hebrew) was walking this earth, He spent time with people and it was His mission to bring "Good News".

Now the kind of Good News most were looking for, given they were living under an oppressive government regime, was relief from a tyrannical leader, or relief from the Roman soldiers around every corner, sometimes micromanaging their lives. But the Good News that Yeshua was purposed to bring, was the revelation of His Father, The Creator, that they could now enter into relationship with, and that this relationship wasn't ONLY for the Jews! There was MORE Good News, He would extend forgiveness for sins and allow us to spend eternity with Him in The Kingdom to come that He had prepared for us! More Good News, and possibly the most assuring, Yeshua had come to show us the way - how to live a set apart life, walking in obedience to The Father's Commands. Yeshua also came to rebuke the religious leaders who were demanding unachievable standards and added oral laws that were not what The Creator intended. AND MORE Good News, when Yeshua would leave the earth, He would send a Helper for us, who would empower us to walk this new lifestyle, with full confidence of our eternal destination after the resurrection!!

I personally received some of that Good News, 25 years ago TODAY!! I didn't grow up knowing this was all possible - I'd never heard this explained to me. I didn't even know what The Father's Commands were, let alone how to live them out. Until this day, 25 YEARS AGO, when I had an encounter in a hospital waiting room, finally understanding that this Good News was for me personally! It would take another 18 years for me to understand about the Good News of how to live the lifestyle The Creator wants us to live, so that we are known to be His people and He is known to be our God, but today marks the day that I have known Him longer than I haven't; and that is also Good News!!

(If you have questions and or would like to learn more about how you also can apply this Good News to your own life personally, please send us an email and we will bring you Good News!)

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