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Apologies that we haven't posted lately, persevering through adversity (more on that later.) Today we are going to touch on Rosh Hodesh. Rosh Hodesh is Hebrew for "head of the month". Biblically speaking the beginning of the month starts on the New Moon. According to the book of Numbers chapter 10, it is announced with the blowing of the silver trumpets, (image above.) The reason it is significant to keep track of the beginning of the month, is to count the months, because in the Spring and in the Fall there are Holy Days in the 1st, 3rd and 7th lunar months that are appointed times that anyone who believes in the God of the Bible gets to celebrate.
At sundown on August 6, 2021 starts the 6th month of the Biblical calendar, which also begins the countdown to the beginning of the Fall High Holy Days. (More on that later also!)
Take this next month and study and get ready for all the awesomeness that Yah has for you, study Leviticus 23, Deut 16, Exodus 12, and any other references to the Biblical Holy Days which are: (most names listed here are in Hebrew since that is the language of the Bible)
Shabbat the 7th Day of Rest
Feast of Unleavened Bread
First Fruits
Yom Teruah (culturally known as Rosh Hashanah but that is a different event)
Yom Kippur
Yom Teruah is coming soon on the 1st day of the 7th month and it kicks off the "Fall High Holy Day season" of back to back holy days, there will be 7 HOLY DAYS in 3 WEEKS!!! (including the weekly Shabbat.) It's a lot of fun and a lot to prepare for, so start by recognizing this Rosh Hodesh.
We like to mark Rosh Hodesh by sounding the shofar, because we don't have 2 silver trumpets, and by doing something special to acknowledge the beginning of the month. We also tell one another "Haag Semach Rosh Hodesh" which means "happy festival" or "happy holidays".
Haag Semach Rosh Hodesh, MONTH 6!!!